BMU fakültə və kafedralar üzrə boş olan vəzifələri tutmaq üçün müsabiqə elan edir BMU tələbələrinin nəzərinə! Polşanın Vroslav Biznes Universiteti 2024/2025-ci tədris ilinin ikinci semestri üçün yeni çağırış elanı Tələbələr üçün “Rəqəmsal ödənişlər və elektron bankçılıq xidmətləri” virtual kursu üzrə müsabiqə Xanım tələbələr üçün “Women Scholarship” Proqramı Tələbələrin nəzərinə: BMU-da bp-nin elan eydiyi proqramlarla bağlı tədbir keçiriləcək Tələbə qızlar üçün “Parla” təqaüd və inkişaf proqramı For the attention of BEU students! For the attention of academic staff! "Green Jobs Ideathon" competition for youth BEU-INHA DDP announces recruitment for vacancy "Specialist in work with students" Attention Students! BMU-ya qəbul olunmaq istəyən doktorantlar üçün ixtisas fənnindən suallar For the attention of BEU students regarding dormitory registration! 2024-2025-ci tədris ilində Bakı Mühəndislik Universitetinin magistratura səviyyəsinə qəbul olunan bakalavrların nəzərinə! BEU calls for acceptance of documents to get further education in academic year 2024/2025 Attention students! Registration process of COP29 volunteers starts Next free master classes start at BEU BMU tələbələri üçün İtaliyada bir semestrlik təhsil imkanı To the attention of BEU students! Festival for all students and graduates to be held at BEU for the first time in Azerbaijan Tələbələrin nəzərinə: BMU-da “Karyera günü” keçiriləcək “Norm” ASC tələbələr üçün “Yay təcrübə proqramı” elan edir BMU tələbələri üçün təcrübə proqramına start verilir "You are a financier" internship program for youth in 2024 "Innovative methods in the development of education II" competition starts “Nar”dan BMU tələbələri üçün xüsusi kampaniya BMU tələbələri üçün “IT Project Managment” kursuna qeydiyyat başlayıb "Data analytics" training for BEU students Tələbələrin nəzərinə: "İnnovasiyalar Mərkəzi" inkubasiya proqramına başlayır Scholarship program for female students interested in ICT BP announces scholarship program for female students Registration for free preparatory classes for the master's degree starts BMU-da “Bahar çiçəkləri” adlı fərdi yaradıcılıq sərgisi keçiriləcək Tələbələrin nəzərinə: "Karyera brendini yarat" mövzusunda təlim keçiriləcək “MathCamp 2024” tələbə yaz düşərgəsinə qeydiyyat başlayıb BMU-da sərgi-təqdimat keçiriləcək BMU-nun tələbə və məzunları üçün "Sabahın gücü" İnkişaf Proqramına start verilir BMU-da “ROHDE und SCHVVARZ” günü” adlı seminar keçiriləcək "Azerbaijan in the international transport system: goals and perspectives" international scientific-practical conference "VIII International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers" to be held at BEU BMU əməkdaşlarının nəzərinə! BMU boş olan və seçki müddəti başa çatacaq vəzifələri tutmaq üçün müsabiqə elan edir BMU tələbələri üçün “BoostCamp 7.0” layihəsi başlayır
BMU-İNHA ikili diplom proqramı Koreya dili müəllimi üzrə işə qəbul həyata keçirir Doktorant və dissertantların nəzərinə! Tələbələrin nəzərinə: “Tusi (2C) 2024” İnkubasiya proqramına qeydiyyat başlayıb BMU və KOBSKA-nın birgə təşkilatçılığı Karyera Sərgisi keçiriləcək BMU-da TOEFL, GRE, SAT imtahanları təşkil olunur "ABB Rəqəmsal Maarifləndirmə" təcrübə proqramı Professor-müəllim heyətinin nəzərinə! BMU-İNHA İDP tələbələri üçün inşa müsabiqəsi BP şirkəti məzun və tələbələr üçün təcrübə proqramına start verir Tələbələrin nəzərinə! Education Development Fund announces scholarship program for female students “Guided Excellence” program for students III International Scientific-Practical Conference "The Sustainable Development in Economy and Administration: Problems and Perspectives” Vice-president of Italian company "D-Orbit" to meet with BEU students Information about registration in BEU dormitories Bakı Mühəndislik Universitetinə qəbul olunan abituriyentlərin nəzərinə! Live information session about BEU-INHA dual degree program Kapital Bank “Birbank” tələbə təqaüd proqramına start verir Bakı Mühəndislik Universitetinin magistratura səviyyəsinə qəbul olunan namizədlərin nəzərinə! BMU-İNHA İDP ilə bağlı məlumat sessiyası keçiriləcək BMU-İNHA İDP ilə bağlı növbəti “Açıq Qapı” günü təşkil olunacaq "Graduation Day" to be held at Baku Engineering University BMU-da “Digital Art Center” adlı təlim kursları BMU-da “İş müsahibəsi” mövzusunda təlim keçiriləcək Polytechnic Institute of Bragança announces call for researchers To the attention of students who want to participate in "Tusi (2C)" incubation program! To the attention of students who want to participate in meeting of "Meetups by PASHA Bank"! Free preparatory classes for master's degree start at BEU "You are a financier" experience program for young people Registration for new programs in 4 directions starts at ABB Tech Academy! Future Female Talent Scholarship Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança 23/24-S1 Call
Seminar on "Career opportunities abroad" to be held New project for youth from PashaPay To the attention engineering students interested in studying in USA! BEU to host scientific seminar dedicated to 130th anniversary of Ahmad Javad Industrial internship program for final year students BEU to host information event about "Graduate and intern recruitment program" of BP To the attention of academic staff! To the attention of BEU students! For youth ready to start startup and innovate! BEU announces competition to fill vacant positions in following departments Vacancies in Turkey's leading UAV manufacturer "Baykar" Information about dormitory registration of BEU To the attention of applicants admitted to bachelor’s degree Registration for next stage of Korean language courses starts at BEU BEU-INHA Dual Degree Program carries out Korean language teacher recruitment 166 Freight and Logistics company starts next internship program! To the attention of students admitted to BEU master’s degree Registration process for International Dual Degree Program in Engineering with state scholarship continues BEU-INHA Dual Degree Program carries out recruitment for two vacancies Specialisation choice for master's degree admission PASHA Holding announces "Əlaçı" scholarship program Admission to international acceleration program ClimateLaunchpad Azerbaijan 2022 announced Norm OJSC announces paid summer internship program Training on "Neuromarketing" to be held at BEU PASHA Bank announces paid summer internship program Scientific seminar to be held at BEU Representatives of Azercosmos to hold information session at BEU To attention of PhD. students and candidates! Registration for Future Shapers starts U.S. Embassy Announces 2022-2024 GIPA Master’s Degree Program in Journalism Opportunity for BEU students to participate in "Business Education for Engineers" project INHA University announces one-semester exchange program with scholarship for BEU students BEU to host presentation of "One Volunteer" Student Cooperation Public Union JACAFA/Nippon Foundation Scholarship Program in Central Asian Countries SOCAR Polymer announces summer internship programme Paid summer internship programme "Step into the Future" BP announces Future Female Talent Scholarship Baku Engineering University announces admission to Doctoral Training Programmes for 2022 Alpbach European Forum announces scholarship program Free project management training to be organized for students Training for academic staff as part of BEU-INHA Dual Degree Program Training of Google Developer Student Clubs at BEU to be held Internship program for students BEU to host seminar on “BIM and Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry” Registration for “Tusi (2C)” incubation program extended To attention of those who want to participate in Tusi (2C) incubation program! Admission announcement for master’s degree for 2022/2023 academic year Teaching staff invited to work within BEU-INHA DDP To the attention of enterprising young people! Internship program for undergraduate and graduate students from the Central Bank To the attention of BEU master’s degree students! BP launches Graduate and Internship Recruitment Programme Webinar on Building Information Modeling
Procter & Gamble Azerbaijan organizes info session Trainings on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to be held Admission to the Mentorship Programme announced within “Skills for the Future” project To the attention of candidates who want to study for a doctorate abroad in 2022! International Bank of Azerbaijan announces internship program Training on "Psychological features of the role of intuition in decision making" Seminar dedicated to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi to be held at BEU Master class on “Bank. Risk. Compliance” To the attention of PhD. students and candidates! Event dedicated to "Fundamentals of iOS Development" to be held Procter & Gamble announced an internship program Master classes organized by PASHA Bank continue Master class on "Underwriting of credit risks" Master class on "Non-financial risk management" Lecture on "Activities and role of KOICA in Azerbaijan" BEU invites specialists in a number of specialties to pedagogical activities “Kreditlərin izlənilməsi və nəzarəti” mövzusunda master-klass Teacher recruitment competition for SABAH master's groups Free "Student Development Trainings" for BEU students The next master class for students from PASHA Bank Opportunity to study a master's and doctoral degrees at Inha University in Korea To the attention of students of the Engineering, Architecture and Construction Faculties of BEU! Opportunity for BEU students to participate in international summit Polytechnic Institute of Bragança announces competition for the winter semester PASHA Bank launches master classes for BEU students International Conference "The Sustainable Development of Economy and Administration: Problems and Perspectives” Training on "Relation between microexpressions and lies" to be held “BEU Startup Program” started Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences organizes a series of trainings The next training entitled "Pedagogical and psychological aspects of teacher-student relations-2" "Her Improvement" development program for teenagers Acceptance of applications for the 2nd Incubation Program started The II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Technology" to be held Competition announced to fill vacancies at BEU Training on "Pedagogical and psychological aspects of teacher-student relations" "Global Korea" Scholarship Program announced To the attention of BEU academic staff! Sapienza University of Italy announces competition for students SOCAR-da ödənişli istehsalat təcrübə proqramı Yataqxanaya qeydiyyatla bağlı BMU tələbələrinin diqqətinə! To the attention of first-year students admitted to Baku Engineering University! Announcement of PhD entrance exams for PhD programs DİM-in 1-ci ixtisas qrupu üzrə bakalavr imtahanından uğurla keçən abituriyentlərin nəzərinə! Announcement on BEU-INHA dual degree program on radios Data Analitikası və Kibertəhlükəsizlik Analitiki peşəkar sertifikatını əldə etmək imkanı BMU-da ödənişsiz Koreya dili kurslarına tələbə qəbuluna start verilir “İT mühəndisliyinin perspektivləri: şirkətlərdə rəqəmsal transformasiya" mövzusunda vebinar BMU-İnha ikili diplom proqramında “İnformasiya texnologiyaları” ixtisası üzrə qəbul həyata keçirilir The next webinar held on July 23 to promote engineering specialties The stage of selecting representatives for the international competition in the field of cyber security is starting BMU-nun magistratura pilləsinə qəbul olanların nəzərinə! The "Children's University" project launched at BEU "Education HUB Azerbaijan" announces summer internship program for students Admission announcement for the training of PhD. students and candidates “Elektronika mühəndisliyi”nə dair canlı yayım təşkil olunacaq WorldSkills Azerbaijan gənclər arasında veb proqramlaşdırma üzrə yarış elan edir Admission to BEU-Inha dual degree program in "Electronics Engineering" department carried out Grant competition for the creation of new content and organization of training in "Cybersecurity" (SABAH) groups at the master's level Participation in the training "Research in the social sciences" "Coca-Cola İçecek Azerbaijan" launches summer internship program for students A webinar on "Future Perspectives of Electrical Engineering" to be held Webinar on the dual degree program in engineering to be held The deadline for receiving applications via e-telebe extended BMU və Çinin Texnologiya Universiteti birgə seminar keçirəcək TO THE ATTENTION OF students belonging to socially vulnerable groups "The role of experts in assessment for accreditation" Training entitled "Teachers of the Future" to be held at BEU “Mühəndislik tədqiqatı innovasiyanın mühərriki kimi” adlı vebinar keçiriləcək BEU and Inha University launch dual degree program Dual degree program in engineering PASHA Bank announces paid Summer Internship Program BMU-da “from Start to Smart” adlı layihənin info sessiyası keçiriləcək BMU-da tanınmış mühəndisin iştirakı ilə vebinar keçiriləcək “Almaniyada təhsil almaq və işləmək imkanları” mövzusunda seminar keçiriləcək “Gələcəyin müəllimləri”: adlı təlimə dəvət! Training on "How to prepare a business plan" to be held Training on "Documentation in pedagogical internship" to be held at BEU "SABAH Groups" project is a partner of Nobel Fest “Super yaddaş texnikaları ” mövzusunda təlim The XXIV Republican Scientific Conference of PhD Students and Young Researchers to be held BEU Student Scientific Society launches "Spring Science Festival" To the attention of those who want to learn Hindi! Training on "The importance of attention and concentration in the distance learning process" to be held BMU-da “Onlayn Karyera Günü” keçiriləcək BP launches Summer Internship Recruitment Programme Training on "Taxation and accounting in practice" to be held Islamic Development Bank and Campus France Agency announce scholarship program BEU Distance Education and Quality Assurance Center starts trainings “SAP Computer / WCM Internship Program” BMU tələbələri ilə görüş Chance to become a Young Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals The next webinar entitled "Cloud Study Jam" to be held To the attention of BEU academic staff! Visegrad scholarship program for the academic year 2021/2022 Webinar of Google Developer Student Clubs at BEU to be held Scholarship Program of Islamic Development Bank for 2021-2022 Global Leadership Conference for the Education Sector Competition for admission to the Internship Program for 2021 Next admission for Korean language courses started at BEU Opportunity to participate in training program for BEU students
To the attention of the students! İkili diplom proqramına əlavə sənəd qəbulu haqqında seminar keçiriləcək İkili diplom proqramı üzrə sənəd qəbulu davam edir Training on "Benefits of digital payments" to be held İkili diplom proqramı üzrə əlavə qəbul üçün müsabiqə elan edilir Teaching and learning competition for the academic staff Seminar on plagiarism prevention and practical recommendations to be held To the attention of the students! Webinar entitled “Managing cultural diversity” to be held Online conference on “Perspectives of sustainable development of territories liberated from occupation" Webinar entitled "Recovery strategy for regions liberated from occupation" To the attention of academic staff of BEU! To the attention of students! BMU-da ikili diplom proqramına vakansiya elan edilib To the attention of students! To the attention of the first-year students admitted to Baku Engineering University! TO THE ATTENTION of BEU students belonging to socially vulnerable groups! BEU invites specialists to pedagogical activity - ANNOUNCEMENT Bakalavriat səviyyəsinə qəbul olmuş abituriyentlərin nəzərinə! The first session of Google Developer Student Clubs at BEU to be held About admission for the Dual Degree Program and online internal exam competition To the attention of those admitted to the vacant study places at the master's degree! BEU announces admission for the PhD program for 2020 The first international webinar between BEU and Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology BEU will host online "Graduation Day" Bakı Mühəndislik Universitetinin magistratura pilləsinə daxil olmuş bakalavrların nəzərinə! Abituriyentlərin və tələbələrin nəzərinə! Next opportunity for BEU students to participate in the next "Summer Internship Program" Paid internship program for BEU students “İnnovasiya nədir?” mövzusunda növbəti “UniTalks” görüşü keçiriləcək "Commercialization of science and startup approach in the process of higher education" The next UniTalks meeting on "Startups' exit strategy from COVID-19" Opportunity to participate in the summer internship program "Practicum" for BEU students UniHub Hackathon competition entitled "Together we are strong" will be held The next UniTalks meeting on "Distance Education" The next UniTalks meeting on “Agile, Scrum və Design Thinking” "Psychological effects of panic during the COVID-19 pandemic" The next UniTalks meeting to be held online The next UniTalks meeting to be held BEU to host "IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers" International Visegrad Foundation announces scholarship program Bank internship program for BEU students and alumni Chance for BEU students to participate in writing competition Chance for students to participate in volunteering-internship program Seminar on the use of new technologies in software Registration for the “Your English Voice” contest continues
Məhəmməd Hadinin 140 illiyi qeyd olunacaq Are you ready to start a career with BP Azerbaijan? Training on "Sauce for the Success of Agile DevOps project" Seminar on a career in data science Admission to BEU on Ph.D. program (2019) BEU will host “Winter Science Festival” “Share your idea with us” “TRIZ Summit-2019/2020” Training on “Professional career development” “Social Projects” competition is still in progress Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Training of BEU staff on "Publication opportunities in prestigious scientific journals" Dear students!