Sustainability news list

1 III International Scientific-Practical Conference "The Sustainable Development in Economy and Administration: Problems and Perspectives”
2 International Conference "The Sustainable Development of Economy and Administration: Problems and Perspectives”
3 III International Scientific-Practical Conference "The Sustainable Development in Economy and Administration: Problems and Perspectives”
4 BEU employees attend international assembly in Brussels
5 New Strategic Development Program of BEU being prepared
6 BEU hosts seminar as part of "Green World Solidarity Year"
7 BEU to host international scientific-practical conference on transport system
8 BEU hosts conference dedicated to sustainable development in economics and administration
9 "Development marathon" training held at BEU
10 Issues of cooperation between BEU and the Hungarian university discussed
11 BEU student attends meeting held at UN Headquarters
12 BEU represented at the first meeting of the "CAMPAIGNers" HORIZON 2020 project
13 Baku selected as one of the pilot cities in the “CAMPAIGNers” project, in which BEU is also a partner
14 EU employees participate in research within CAMPAIGNers project
15 BEU employees visit Austria as part of CAMPAIGNers project
16 BEU employees participate in events held in Finland as part of "CAMPAIGNers" project
17 Mobile application "Climate Campaigners"developed as part of program in which BEU represented
18 BEU employees attend international assembly in Brussels
19 Members of BEU SYU attend tree planting action
20 BEU students participate in tree planting action held in Absheron district on the occasion of 100th anniversary of National Leader
21 BEU hosts tree-planting action in connection with the 100th anniversary of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev
22 Foreign students of BEU attend tree planting campaign
23 Foreign students studying at BEU take part in tree planting campaign