050615 - "Information Security" |
060631 - "Computer Engineering" |
050608 - "Energy Engineering" |
060632 - "Information Technologies" |
050607 - "Electrical and Electronics Engineering" |
060628 - "Process Automation Engineering" |
050620 - "Computer Engineering" |
060641 - "Chemical Engineering" |
050616 - "Information Technologies" |
060630 - "Mechanical Engineering" |
050621 - "Logistics and Transport Technology Engineering" |
060649 - "Ecological Engineering" |
050622 - "Machine Engineering" |
060405 - "Industry Organizing and Management" |
050629 - "Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering" |
060409 - "Business Administration" |
050628 - "Mechanical Engineering" |
060407 - "Management" |
050634 - "Process Automation Engineering" |
060402 - "Accounting and Audit" |
050806 - "Transport Service" |
060401 - "World Economy" |
050636 - "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" |
060403 - "Finance" |
050306 - "Design" |
060410 - "Public Administration" |
050617 - "Civil engineering" |
060213 - "International relations" |
050509 - "Computer Science" |
060321 - "Design" |
050618 - "Chemical Engineering" |
060404 - "Economy" |
050606 - "Ecological Engineering" |
060608 - "Electric power engineering" |
050619 - "Communication Systems Engineering" |
060612 - "Machine engineering" |
050626 - "Architecture" |
060623 - "Transportation and management organization engineering in transport" |
050633 - "Transportation Engineering" |
060628 - "Process Automation Engineering" |
050637 - "Urban Planning" |
060634 - "Civil Engineering" |
050638 - "Industrial Engineering" |
060636 - "Transport construction" |
050623 - "Materials Engineering" |
050114 - "Mathematics Education" |
050102 - "Biology Education" |
050109 - "Chemistry Education" |
050105 - "Physics Education" |
050115 - "Mathematics and Informatics Education" |
050406 - "Finance" |
050409 - "Accounting" |
050407 - "Marketing" |
050405 - "Economy" |
050404 - "Public Administration" |
050401 - "International Trade and Logistics" |
050402 - "Business Administration" |