Admission to Baku Engineering University to br carried out in 30 majors at bachelor's level

18 Jul 2023
Admission to Baku Engineering University to br carried out in 30 majors at bachelor's level

In the 2023/2024 academic year, Baku Engineering University (BEU) will accept 30 majors for the bachelor's degree. In total, 795 of the 1308 places allocated to BEU belong to the Azerbaijani section, and 513 to the English section. (

At BEU, relevant educational programs at all levels of higher education (bachelor's, master's, doctorate) are prepared based on modern challenges, and new qualifications and specializations that can meet the demands of the labor market are included in the admission plan every year. Based on these principles in the 2023/2024 academic year, many new specialties and specializations were included in the admission plan.

Thus, for the first time at the undergraduate level, personnel training will be started in important specialties such as International trade and logistics, Marketing, Communication systems engineering, Materials engineering, Mechatronics and robotics engineering. In addition, starting from the new academic year, new specializations such as Design, Transport construction engineering, Design and technical aesthetics, Machine repair technology and servicing, Liquid and gas transportation equipment, Motorway and airfield construction, Bridges and transport facility construction are accepted at the master's level.

Within the requirements of the labor market, the renewal included the MBA (Business Management) program and 7 new specializations were added to the program. Those specializations include Agribusiness, International trade, Electronic management, Public relations, Financial engineering, Supply chain management, Engineering project management.

It should be noted that out of 181 places allocated for 20 specializations and 29 specializations at the master's level, 151 are intended for Azerbaijan and 30 for English. 140 of the 160 places allocated for MBA 13 specializations are allocated to Azerbaijan and 20 to the English section.

Within the framework of the "State Program for Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023" between BEU and Korea's INHA University, the bachelor's training for the international double diploma program with full state scholarship will be continued in the new academic year. The online application for registration to BEU-INHA DDP, which is currently ongoing, will be completed on August 9.

A total of 123 people (Information technologies - 35 people, Civil engineering - 25 people, Electrical engineering - 28 people, Electronics engineering - 35 people) are planned to be admitted to the undergraduate program in English for 4 years/

Public Relations Department

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