Work being carried out on organization of industrial internship of BEU students

17 Nov 2022
Work being carried out on organization of industrial internship of BEU students

In the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, the work on sending final-year undergraduate students of Baku Engineering University (BEU) to industrial and pedagogical internship is being continued.

Thus, about 80 enterprises have been applied regarding the organization of the production experience, to cover the dates of February 16 - May 24, 2023. Currently, meetings and discussions are held with those enterprises.

Moreover, as a result of negotiations with a number of private lyceums and schools in Baku and Sumgayit in order to organize the pedagogical internship, the educational institutions where the experiences will take place have already been determined.

In the current academic year, a total of 1099 students, including 436 students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 276 students of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, and 387 students of the Faculty of Engineering, are planned to be sent to industrial internship. It is planned to send 235 students of  Mathematics and Informatics Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Mathematics Education, Biology Education to pedagogical internship.

Meetings were held with students in each faculty regarding the organization of 14-week industrial internship. At the events, employees of BEU Internship Department provided students with detailed information about the process and answered their questions.

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