Winners of spartakiade dedicated to 100th anniversary of Great Leader awarded at BEU

19 May 2023
Winners of spartakiade dedicated to 100th anniversary of Great Leader awarded at BEU

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted an awarding ceremony for the winners of sports competitions dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev.

The purpose and general results of the competition were reported at the event jointly organized by the University Trade Union Committee (BEU TUC) and the Sport Club.

Hazi Gasimov, the chairman of BEU TUC, noted that more than 150 employees participated in the competition aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the employees of the higher educational institution, strengthening interest in sports, as well as effective arrangement of employees' leisure time activities.

Bayram Huseynzada, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs of BEU, shared his views on the importance of spartakiade in various sports (chess, table tennis, volleyball, football) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. Emphasizing that the foundation of state care for physical education and sports in our republic was laid by the Great Leader, the Vice-Rector pointed out that the successful development strategy implemented in the field of sports in the country today has shown its positive results.

Appreciating the competitions aimed at protecting the health of employees and increasing interest in sports at BEU, Bayram Huseynzada added that regardless of the identity of the winners, such mass events played an important role in further strengthening solidarity among university employees.

After the speeches, the winners of the spartakiade were presented with medals, certificates and various gifts.

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