Winners of competition held among students of BEU-INHA DDP awarded

26 Apr 2023
Winners of competition held among students of BEU-INHA DDP awarded

An awarding ceremony for the winners of the competition on the topic "My future goals" has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The competition, organized by the Department of Foreign Languages of the University, was held among II and III year students studying under the Dual Degree Program (DDP) between BEU and Inha University of the Republic of Korea.

Giving information about the essence of the competition at the event, the head of the above-mentioned department, associate professor Atraba Gul noted that the winners were selected from among more than 70 students. It was emphasized that according to the conditions, students expressed their thoughts about the reason of choosing BEU-INHA DDP in an essay (in English) in 800-1000 words. According to the decision of the jury, 3 winners were determined for each place (1st place - Sabir Eyvazli, Nurjan Farzizada, Amina Islam; 2nd place - Anar Rzayev, Nazrin Guliyeva, Javidan Mammadov; 3rd place - Said Guluzada, Amani Sultanov, Subhan Abdullayev).

The winners of the competition were awarded with certificates and gifts, and the outstanding participants were awarded with incentive prizes.

Moreover, 2 students of the program (Süleyman Bunyadzada, Anar Rzayev) was awarded a certificate for their activity at the scientific-practical conference "Stop environmental terrorism in Karabakh!".

Later, Humay Jafarli, Director General of BEU-INHA DDP management department, Yang Hyunjin, program project director, wished success to the winners. Furthermore, the speakers informed about the innovations related to the International Dual Degree Program with a full state scholarship in the field of engineering.

At the event, students' questions about BEU-INHA DDP were answered.

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