Vice-Rectors of BEU visit Lithuania within the framework of ECAR project

28 Mar 2023
Vice-Rectors of BEU visit Lithuania within the framework of ECAR project

The visit of the delegation of our country to the city of Vilnius of the Republic of Lithuania within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Establishment of the Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan" (ECAR), in which Baku Engineering University (BEU) is a partner, has ended.

BEU was represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, professor Hamzagha Orujov and Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Bayram Huseynzada in the visit, which was attended by representatives of about 20 higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan and representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education and aimed to study the Lithuanian experience in teaching and quality assurance.

Within the framework of the visit program hosted by Mykolas Romeris University, presentations were made on the role of the Lithuanian University Rectors' Conference, the higher education system, as well as the role of the Academic Affairs Committee operating in the Rectors' Conference of this country, the national accreditation system of higher schools, and the results-based financing model of higher education institutions. 

Another important aspect of the visit program was quality assurance issues in education. In this direction, the experienced experts in the field of quality assurance of Mykolas Romeris University shared their experiences about the university's internal quality assurance system, compliance with "standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education space", the role of the curriculum and specialty committees, student-centered teaching, learning and evaluation. Moreover, productive exchanges of ideas were held on important topics such as the policy of the university on the management of the academic staff, evaluation, awarding and certification of the teaching staff, as well as the professional development of the teaching staff.

Furthermore, the Azerbaijani delegation got acquainted with the campus of Mykolas Romeris University, including its library and educational laboratories.

During the visit, the coordinator of the project Gulshan Bayramova informed the participants about the results of the interim monitoring of the project. At the end, a meeting of the Committee on Teaching and Quality Assurance organized by the Vice-Rector of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Eldar Aslanov within the framework of the project "Establishment of Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan" was held. The committee's action plan and projects to be implemented were discussed at the meeting.

Of note, the coordinator of the project financed by the European Commission is Baku Business University.

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