UAVs and robots developed by BEU students exhibited at Agrarian Innovation Festival

12 Jul 2023
UAVs and robots developed by BEU students exhibited at Agrarian Innovation Festival

Teachers and students of Baku Engineering University (BEU) (Laboratory director of the Faculty of Engineering Rustam Kalantarov, second year students of Electrical and Electronics major Nadir Dashdiyev and Rashad Aliyev) participated in the next Agrarian Innovation Festival held in Barda.

At the festival organized by the Agrarian Innovation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Agency for Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education, UAVs (UAVs) prepared by a student team of 4 members of BEU (Nadir Dashdiyev, Rashad Aliyev, Nurtaj Mirili, Rashad Agali) and robots were shown.

UAVs and robots were inspected by Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev and Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov, and they were given detailed information about the devices, "Atmaca", R3D and "Simurg", created by the BEU team, which received interest at the festival. It was noted that "Atmaca" is a fully-autonomous fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with an anti-fire Al system of reconnaissance nature in fighting forest fires. In addition to R3D reconnaissance, it is a semi-autonomous unmanned land vehicle (Prototype) that can carry food and food supplies in any difficult conditions, while Simurgh is a fixed-wing, side-autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle that carries medical supplies and food products and acts as a courier in an emergency (war) situation.

It should be noted that the purpose of the festival is to contribute to the development of the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan, to strengthen existing relations between this sector and the vocational education sector, and to integrate agricultural science and education into entrepreneurial activity. All subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture, a number of vocational educational institutions under the State Agency for Vocational Education, more than 80 local and foreign companies, as well as various startups participated in the festival held at Barda Vocational High School.

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