Training on "Time Management" organized for students

13 May 2022
Training on "Time Management" organized for students

Turgay Abdullayev, project manager and trainer of “AVT Logistics”, has met with students of the Department of Logistics and Transport Technology Engineering of Baku Engineering University (BEU). A training on "Time Management" was held as part of the meeting at BEU.

The Head of the Department, associate professor Bakhtiyar Namazov thanked the representative of the company for supporting the initiative to organize the training and stressed the importance of such trainings to create a unity of education and production, and arouse students' interest in practical knowledge.

Later, T.Abdullayev gave detailed information about "AVT Logistics" and added that currently BEU students undergo an internship in the company.

The meeting, attended by the Dean of Engineering Faculty Huseyn Mirzayev, Nijat Karimov, assitant Ali Gojayev and Fuad Hasanov,  touched upon issues of mutual interest.

Afterwards, the trainer delivered a presentation on the importance of time in the logistics criteria triangle, the time factor in the supply chain, time planning and management.

The training ended with answering students' questions.

Of note, AVT Logistics, with a closed storage area of 48,000 square meters and a capacity of 87,000 pallets, is the largest warehouse in the Caucasus, and provides a large part of the country's demand for daily consumer goods. The most advanced software and technologies are used for systematic management of warehouses.

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