Training held within "Skills for the Future" project

27 Apr 2021
Training held within "Skills for the Future" project

Joint trainings with Baku Engineering University (BEU) are underway within the “Skills for the Future” project. The next such training is dedicated to "Business and Entrepreneurship".

Isa Gasimov, the founder of “New Idea” LLC, made a presentation on the topic at the training.

During the event, discussions were held with the participants on such topics as "Entrepreneurship and innovation in higher education", "The importance of entrepreneurship", "Stages of entrepreneurship in higher education."

The training ended with answering the participants' questions.

It should be noted that the purpose of the project "Skills for the Future" is to increase human resources in the field of innovation, to support innovation in education. Moreover, the main goals are to support students in the educational process to develop their innovative ideas and to direct them to the field of discovery, which plays an important role in the technological development of our country. The project consists of two components: a mentorship programme to train teachers as mentors in universities and an incubation program to train students as startups with the participation of mentors.


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