The admission of 1445 students to BEU planned

27 Apr 2021
The admission of 1445 students to BEU planned

The information spread on social networks about the suspension of admission to specialties taught in English at Baku Engineering University (BEU) does not reflect the truth. This year, admission to only 3 English language majors has been suspended for one year. From the next academic year, the university plans to continue enrolling students in these specialties, further increasing its activities to strengthen human resources and material and technical base.

It should be noted that that the admission plan for 2021 envisages the admission of 500 people to 13 English language specialties of BEU. In general, 1180 people will be admitted to the bachelor's degree in 30 specialties and 265 people to the master's degree in 18 specialties this year.

Moreover, in 2021, BEU will admit students in 5 new specialties -Ccomputer science (bachelor’s degree), Electrical engineering, Transportation and control engineering, Process automation engineering, Architecture (master's degree).

Furthermore, BEU and Inha University of South Korea will continue to accept students to the Departments of Civil engineering, Information technology, Electrical engineering and Electronics engineering under the dual degree program.


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