Teaching staff and students of BEU visit "Hidroservice Engineering" LLC

25 Apr 2023
Teaching  staff and students of BEU visit "Hidroservice Engineering" LLC

Baku Engineering University (BEU) Faculty of Engineering faculty and students have visited "Hidroservice Engineering" LLC.

The visit was made in order to organize practical lessons of students on "Hydraulic machines and hydraulic systems" and "Hydraulics and pneumatic circuits" in industrial conditions.

Deputy dean of the Faculty of Engineering, associate professor Osman Mirzayev, head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, associate professor Asif Guliyev, third-year students of the university majoring in Mechanical Engineering (Azerbaijan) met with Bakhtiyar Ganbarov, director of LLC, and their officials. B. Ganbarov gave detailed information to the participants of the meeting about the history of establishment and directions of activity of "Hidroservice Engineering" company.

It was noted that the company has a workshop designed for the repair of various types of hydraulic and pneumatic spare parts and components, with high experience in repairing hydraulic spare parts, hydraulic systems and devices, and components. LLC also offers the service of washing spare parts warehouse, pipes, cylinders, hoses, receivers and pipe joints with various trough heads and high pressure equipment.

During the excursion, the students were given practical lessons according to the curriculum under the guidance of subject teachers and production workers.

It has been agreed with "Hidroservice Engineering" LLC to hold some practical classes in the future in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Engineering.

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