“Teaching and learning psychology in distance learning"

06 Mar 2021
“Teaching and learning psychology in distance learning"

The first seminar has been held as part of a series of trainings launched by the Distance Education and Quality Assurance Center of Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The training for the University teachers, entitled "Teaching and Learning Psychology in the Distance Learning" was conducted by psychologist Huseyn Khalilov, a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy at BEU. 

H.Khalilov stressed the importance of psychologically taking into account the level of the audience in the educational process. He said that students' perceptual skills and listening culture also played an significant role during the lessons.

In his speech, the trainer noted that everyone's learning type, speed and capacity were different. He gave detailed information to the participants about what types of mental activities the brain controls, as well as the characteristics of technical, consistent, social and holistic thinkers. Speaking about the methods of practical learning, H. Khalilov gave some recommendations for students to better understand the lesson.

The University teachers took part in the interactive training.

It should be noted that BEU Distance Education and Quality Assurance Center plans to hold trainings for university staff, teachers and students on various topics during the semester.   

Public Relations Department

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