Students who successfully completed Korean language courses awarded certificate

13 Jan 2021
Students who successfully completed Korean language courses awarded certificate

Certified listeners have a chance to get an education at the next stage

Listeners have completed the Korean language courses which began in September of this academic year at The Khirdalan Royal Sejong Institute, established under Baku Engineering University (BEU). Thus, 78 students who successfully completed the online and free courses were awarded official certificates of the King Sejong Institute.

Classes lasted online from September 10 to December 30 (15 weeks). The certificate was awarded to students who took more than 70% of the lessons and the exam result was higher than 60 points. Holders of the certificate will be able to use it in the future to study or get a job in Korea. Moreover, those who want to study at the next stage of the course will be given preference. The next courses will start in February. 

It should be noted that Khirdalan Royal Segong Institute was established in July 2020 as one of the other areas of cooperation between BEU and Inha University of Korea on the dual degree program, which began in the 2020/2021 academic year. The main purpose of the institute is to teach the Korean language and culture, as well as to help teachers and students to integrate fully.

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