Students of BEU-INHA DDP show successful results in "Smart Hackathon 2023"

01 May 2023
Students of BEU-INHA DDP show successful results in "Smart Hackathon 2023"

Students of the Dual Degree Program (DDP) implemented between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University of the Republic of Korea have shown successful results in "Smart Hackathon 2023".

Thus, in the competition, the "SafeEyes" team, consisting of Ayhan Alakbarov, Murad Ibrahimov , second year students majoring in Information Technology, and Aysel Hasanov, a third-year student majoring in Civil Engineering, won the second place, while "Enigma" team, consisting of Nabi Shirinov, a second-year student majoring in Information Technology, the  first place.

BEU-INHA DDP students who distinguished themselves in the competition were awarded.

 "Smart Hackathon 2023" was organized by Khazar University and Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), sponsored by "MLK Tech Group". "Smart Hackathon" aims to bring the talented students of higher education institutions together and provide them with a platform to demonstrate their skills. The competition also supports students to network with industry professionals, showcase their skills in a competitive and fast-paced environment, and gain hands-on experience.

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