Students delivered presentations at seminar held at BEU

25 Apr 2023
Students delivered presentations at seminar held at BEU

A seminar dedicated to the role of 20th-21st century scientists in the development dynamics of physics and the history of modern physics has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU) under the organization of the Education Faculty.

At the event, the head of the Physics department of the above-mentioned faculty, Razim Bayramli shared his views on the discoveries made in the field of physics and the impact of those discoveries on all areas of our lives.

Later, the third-year students of the physics teaching specialty delivered presentations on the topic of the seminar. In groups, students brought to the attention of seminar participants the life path of modern physicists, as well as their scientific research, awards and the most interesting moments in their lives.

At the end, the speakers highlighted the importance of the extensive information provided by the students about the history of physics and emphasized the positive role of such events in their development.

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