Student of BEU-INHA DDP attends prestigious international conference in Korea

24 Aug 2023
Student of BEU-INHA DDP attends prestigious international conference in Korea

        Anar Rzayev, IV year student majoring in Civil Engineering within the framework of the international dual degree program (BEU-INHA DDP) implemented between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University, has participated in the international conference on "Finding the future of Korean literature in Eurasia".

On August 18-19,  scientists and writers from Mongolia, Turkey, Russia, China and other countries made presentations on the history, geography and cultural aspects of Eurasia, relations between foreign countries and Korea at the conference organized by the Department of Korean Literature and the Institute of Korean Language and Literature of Seoul National University and sponsored by the National Research Foundation of Korea at the Doosan Humanities Hall of Seoul National University. The BEU student took an active part in the conference and established contacts with well-known scientists.

It should be noted that 61 students are in Incheon, Republic of Korea for one year to spend the IV course - the last academic year at Inha University within the framework of BMU-INHA IDP.

According to the conditions of the program based on the 3+1 model, students must study 3 academic years at BEU, and 1 academic year - the last year - at Inha University in the fields of Information technologies, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Electronics engineering at the bachelor's level. The costs of 1-year full-time education and 3-week summer school participation in the Republic of Korea, as well as tuition fees, registration costs, educational materials and access to electronic information resources are also included in the "2019-2023 State Program on Increasing the International Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan" covered by the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


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