Student choosing BEU shows highest result in Kalbajar district

20 Sep 2023
Student choosing BEU shows highest result in Kalbajar district

Hakim Musazade, who scored 675.1 points and chose the Electronic Engineering Department of the dual degree program (DDP) conducted between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University of the Republic of South Korea noted, "It is extremely gratifying that I won the title of student as a result of my 11 years of hard work. This is a beginning, and during my studies at the University, I will try to justify myself by working harder, and I will strive to become a useful specialist for my country."

Hakim Musazada, who graduated with honors from School No. 35 named after Shahlar Shukurov of Kalbajar district, was a participant in the "Code for Future" project and participated in a number of Mathematics Olympiads and was successful. He obtained the highest result in the Kalbajar region by scoring high marks in the exams conducted by the State Examination Center.

Stating that he chose the Electronics Engineering specialty after discussions with his parents, university students and teachers, as well as his own research, Hakim Musazada emphasized that this specialty covers a very wide field. He said that as an electronics engineer, he will have the opportunity to work in a number of interesting and future-oriented fields. He added, "The teaching of programming in this specialty, as well as my interest in the engineering field, played a role in me choosing the Electronics Engineering Department."

Noting the advantages of BEU-INHA DDP, H. Musazada especially the teaching model is 3+1, learning both languages - both English and Korean perfectly at the end of 4 years, and obtaining diplomas from two prestigious higher education institutions. Talking about the opportunity to study at the Inha university in the framework of the international program with a full state scholarship, the student pointed out that experience is also important, and visiting world-famous companies such as "Samsung", "LG", "Hyundai", "KIA will give him great experience.

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