Specialty of Mechatronics and Robotics already at BEU

22 Jun 2023
Specialty of Mechatronics and Robotics already at BEU

Mechatronics and robotics, which are among the most modern specialties, can be acquired at Baku Engineering University (BEU). The teaching of the mentioned specialty, newly included in the admission plan, will be started in the university's Engineering faculty from the 2023/2024 academic year.

Mechatronics and robotics studies the design, production and operation of mechatronic and robotic systems that provide automation and logical control of manual labor and mechanical work in the fields of production, operation and service, combining traditional mechanics, electronics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, programming and information technologies.

This specialty is mainly organized by combining mechanics, electronics, computer science and management systems.

Those who choose the major will acquire fundamental, state-of-the-art, in-demand technical knowledge and skills. This includes kinematics and dynamics of mechatronic systems, control systems, information measuring devices, technical vision systems, programming languages, modern information technologies and software, designing automatic and mechatronic systems using scientific and technical achievements and experiences, as well as sensors, controllers , includes knowing the working principles and structural characteristics of other devices used in the regulation and control of actuator systems. Also, those who prefer this specialty are able to carry out diagnostics of automatic and mechatronic systems, analyze the technological, structural, functional and principle schemes of robot-manipulators, robotic and mechatronic systems, know the working principle, organize restoration and re-adjustment, flexible automated production, robotic complex they will also gain skills such as applying industrial robots in their fields and automatic flow lines, simulating electronic systems, and developing prototypes of simple systems.

In addition to these, the graduates will be able to understand the properties of materials and products at the nano, micro and macro technical measurement levels, to apply conversion and optimization methods on them, to know the operation algorithms and development of robotic and robotic systems, neural networks, artificial neurons, and the importance of nonlinear converters. and they will have the ability to use fuzzy neural networks.

It should be noted that a total of 1,308 planned places (795 places in the Azerbaijani department and 513 places in the English department) have been allocated in 30 majors at the bachelor's level of BEU (https://beu.edu.az/az/article/bmu-nun-2023-2024-cu-tedris-ili-uzre-qebul-planinda-yeni-ixtisaslar-1641).


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