Spartakiad dedicated to 100th anniversary of Great Leader starts at BEU

02 May 2023
Spartakiad dedicated to 100th anniversary of Great Leader starts at BEU

The opening ceremony of the Spartakiad dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

Bayram Huseynzada, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs of BEU, and Elchin Suleymanov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs emphasized the exceptional services of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in the development of sports, as well as in the growth of the young generation in a healthy, patriotic spirit. It was pointed out in the speeches that the basis of the successful sports policy in the country was laid by the Great Leader, a fundamental change was created in the field of physical education and sports development and promotion, and radical reforms were initiated.

Informing about the organization of the Spartakiad, Hazi Gasimov, chairman of the Trade Union Committee of BEU, noted that the purpose of the competitions was to promote a healthy lifestyle among the employees of the higher educational institution, strengthen their health, and ensure the effective arrangement of their leisure-time activities by involving them in sports activities.

More than 150 employees of the university participated in the Spartakiads, which was organized for various sports (chess, table tennis, volleyball, football).

Certificates and prizes will be presented to the winners of the 10-day competition in various sports.


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