Seminar on "Green supply chain management" at BEU

17 May 2024
Seminar on "Green supply chain management" at BEU

A scientific-methodical seminar on "Green Supply Chain Management" has been held in the Faculty of Economics and Administrative of Baku Engineering University (BEU) within the framework of "Green World Solidarity Year".

Opening,  the seminar with an introductory speechNasimi Kamalov, the dean of the faculty, spoke about the importance of the COP29 international conference to be held in Azerbaijan, as well as the declaration of 2024 as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in our country.

The dean drew attention to the events organized at BEU within the framework of the "Green World Solidarity Year" and emphasized the importance of the seminars organized as part of these events.

Later, Intigam Bashirov, deputy dean for scientific affairs of the faculty, delivered a report on "Green supply chain management". The report covers supply chain, green supply chain management, green procurement, reuse and the importance of developing production activities that would prevent damage to the environment was noted. Moroever, important points such as increasing knowledge and experience, improving technological infrastructure, and informing consumers were emphasized for the development of green supply chain management application.

The seminar continued with discussions around the report.

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