Seminar on exchange programmes held at BEU

31 May 2021
Seminar on exchange programmes held at BEU

Baku Engineering University (BEU) Department of International Relations and Project Management has organized online seminars on Erasmus + KA1 and various exchange programmes for students of the Education Faculty of the University.

Dean of the Education Faculty, Associate Professor Elshad Abdullayev and Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology Kanan Bashirov noted that the seminars would be useful for students.

The seminars were conducted by Arif Najimov, Head of International Relations and Project Management Department. He made a presentation on "Scholarship and non-scholarship education and employment opportunities abroad."

The participants were informed about the international relations of BEU, bilateral cooperation with foreign universities, agreements signed within various projects and programmes, memorandums of understanding.

The events provided detailed information on Erasmus + exchange programmes, as well as the conditions of participation in competitions held within the programmes, the duration of exchange programmes.

In the end, the students' questions were answered.

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