Scientific activity of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences discussed

16 Feb 2023
Scientific activity of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences discussed

The scientific-research activity of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Baku Engineering University (BEU) and the plans for the next year in this direction were discussed.

The deputy dean for scientific affairs of the mentioned faculty Farid Jabiyev presented a scientific report on departments in 2022. Pointing out the figures compared to previous years regarding the scientific articles published in impact factor journals, conference reports, teaching aids, methodical aids and instructions, the deputy dean noted that the scientific activity of the faculty in the mentioned directions was observed with high indicators.

In the presentation dedicated to the university's scientific-research activities for the past year, BEU Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs Elchin Suleymanov drew attention to the publication activity of faculties, including the statistics of publications in scientific journals with an impact factor for years.  BMU-nun elmi işlər üzrə prorektoru Elçin Süleymanov universitetin ötən il üzrə elmi-tədqiqat fəaliyyətinə həsr olunan təqdimatında fakültələr üzrə nəşr aktivliyi, o cümlədən illər üzrə impakt faktorlu elmi jurnallarda nəşr statistikasını diqqətə çatdırıb. Emphasizing that the majority of these publications belong to the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, the Vice-Rector touched upon the growth dynamics of faculty employees in the number of articles on Scopus and Web of Science platforms, and expressed his recommendations for future activities.

Later, the senior lecturer of the faculty Ilkin Gasimov delivered a training on "How to write an article in an international indexed magazine, what is needed for this?" and clarified the relevant procedures.

At the end of the event, “Certificate of Appreciation” was presented to the employees of the faculty who were distinguished by their scientific results.


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