Scientific activity of BEU Faculty of Architecture and Construction discussed

10 Feb 2023
Scientific activity of BEU Faculty of Architecture and Construction discussed

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has hosted an event dedicated to the results of the scientific research activities of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction in 2022, as well as the discussion of the work to be done in this direction for the coming period.

At the meeting, the faculty's Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs Vugar Muradov presented the scientific report for the past year. The Deputy Dean gave extensive information about the articles published in the scientific databases of the faculty, scientific events, scientific-research works, as well as the active role of the Student Scientific Society, etc. 

Later, Elchin Suleymanov, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of the university, noted the scientific-research activities of BEU for 2022, and highlighted the relevant indicators and positive dynamics over the years. Touching upon the publication activity of the faculties, the Vice-Rector emphasized that the Faculty of Architecture and Construction standed out due to the number of textbooks, textbooks, monographs, as well as publications in impact factor journals..

Pointing out the trends and statistical indicators of publications included in the most widely used authoritative scientific databases ("Web of Science" and "Scopus") in calculating the university's position in world science, Elchin Suleymanov gave information about the author's responsibility index, as well as the H-index, which was considered a quantitative indicator for scientific articles and the number of references to those articles. The Vice-Rector added that according to the number of references to publications in the "General Universities/Institutions in Azerbaijan top 500" table, BEU ranked third among Azerbaijani universities. Highligting the importance of increasing the number of university employees with an elemmetric profile in "Google Scholar", which had a significant influence on the determination of this rating, the Vice-Rector gave the necessary recommendations in this direction.

The event continued with the further strengthening of the scientific activity of the mentioned faculty and the discussion of the upcoming tasks in this regard.

At the end, employees of the faculty who distinguished by their scientific activity and had publications in scientific journals with an impact factor were awarded “Certificate of Appreciation”.

Of note, a series of events dedicated to the results of the scientific research activities carried out by the faculties of the higher education institution have been started in 2022 under the organization of the Vice-Rectorate for Scientific Affairs of BEU. Before that, the first event was organized at the Education Faculty of the university. Next week, similar events are planned for other faculties.

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