Results of monitoring conducted on dual degree program discussed at BEU

07 Dec 2022
Results of monitoring conducted on dual degree program discussed at BEU

The preliminary results of the monitoring conducted on December 5-7 of the current year regarding the implementation status of the Dual Degree Program (DDP) implemented jointly between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University have been discussed.

At the event, the Rector of BEU, Professor Havar Mammadov informed about the ongoing work on improving the quality of education, including the teaching of new specialties, the organization of the teaching system in English, the further enrichment and strengthening of knowledge through the provision of the most modern equipment for the teaching process, the formation of the teaching base. Emphasizing the importance of the DDP implemented jointly with Inha from the 2020/2021 academic year for engineering majors at the undergraduate level, the Rector assessed entrusting such an important program to BEU as an indicator of great trust.

Touching upon the multifaceted works carried out in the direction of the implementation of the DDP in the last 3 years, the Rector drew attention to the relevant statistical figures regarding the admission to the program and added that the indicators improved even more.

Later, the chairman of the monitoring committee, professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Inha University Paik Kyun Shin introduced the Rector about the status and content of the monitoring. Noting the exam conducted for the purpose of evaluating the equivalence of students' knowledge during the monitoring period, the organization of interviews with academic staff and students, participants of the program, the guest mentioned that the general opinion on the implementation of the DDP was optimistic, and in particular, the students were satisfied with the progress of the program, as well as the organization of the "Summer School" in Korea.

Professor Seungwoo Han, representative of the Global Education Project Group of Inha University, pointed out that after detailed analysis and analysis of the preliminary results of the monitoring, a report would be prepared in Korea and this document would be presented to the administration of BEU.

The parties discussed many issues related to the program, including increasing the number of Korean language teaching groups, organizing students' visits to Korea, increasing teaching by Korean experts at BEU, and etc.

Of note, the monitoring was carried out by the representatives of the Global Education Project Group of Inha University in order to check the current conditions of DDP education, diagnose the encountered problems, prepare a project of ideas for improving the program, thereby achieving further improvement of the quality of education.

Public Relations Department

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