Research works of BEU employees presented in Italy

06 Jun 2023
Research works of BEU employees presented in Italy

Visit of the employees of Baku Engineering University (BEU) (Parviz Hasanov, Yusif Abdullayev, Mammad Huseynov, Etibar Kahramanov, Khazar Nacimbeyli) to Rome Sapienza University of Italy on the basis of "Innovative Training Center to support a 3rd cycle Advanced Education Course to face Environmental Emergency in Azerbaijan (ITACA)" has ended.

On the first day of the trip, the presentation of two research works conducted by BEU on the basis of the project (bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils on the Absheron peninsula and methods of determining the morphogenetic characteristics and recultivation of oil-contaminated soils on the Absheron peninsula) was held. Mammad Huseynov, senior lecturer of BEU, gave information about bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils on the Absheron peninsula, laboratory analyzes of oil-contaminated soil samples taken from Bibiheybat territory, equipment used, results obtained, as well as the data were visually displayed in "ArcMap" software.

Yusif Abdullayev, head of the Department of Chemical Engineering of BEU, spoke about the methods of determining and recultivating the morphogenetic characteristics of oil-contaminated torags on the Absheron Peninsula, the analysis of soils taken from different parts of the Absheron Peninsula with the equipment established in the Training Center, and the methods of recultivation of those areas based on the results obtained. He also made suggestions on ways to disseminate information about the project and ensure active participation of interested parties in the project.

Within the framework of the visit, the quality assessment and financial reports of the ITACA project, potential opportunities for the preparation and implementation of new projects, future activities, the conference to be held in Baku within the framework of the project in September of the current year were discussed, and a number of decisions were made.

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