Research work co-authored by BEU Vice-Rector in Italian scholarly journal

19 Dec 2020
Research work co-authored by BEU Vice-Rector in Italian scholarly journal

The research work, co-authored by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Associate Professor of Finance Department of Baku Engineering University(BEU) Elchin Suleymanov has been published in “International Journal of Knowledge and Learning” ( which is also in the category of education in many serious elmmetric databases, including Scopus and the Web of Science.

The co-authors of the article, "The Impact of Cognitive and Emotional Behavior on Student Success: The Case of Azerbaijani Higher Education Institutions," are Panayiotis Antoniou, department head of the Cambridge University, Zafar Hasanov, who conducts research on learning skills in higher education at this university and Vener Garayev, a lecturer at ADA University.

The study examined the relationship between student participation and academic achievement. A survey of 548 full-time second- and third-year undergraduate students from six higher education institutions in Azerbaijan examined the relationship between students' academic achievement, which covered three different dimensions of contact, namely behavior, science, and emotionality. The regression results reveal significant relationships between students' academic achievement and their relationship to both one-dimensional and three-dimensional engagement models. Compared to traditional measurements, the three-dimensional CFA model provides a better explanation of academic results. The results of this work may have implications for the university's academic staff and policymakers in using the benefits of each participation factor to improve institutional quality.

It should be noted that about 100 scientific publications of E. Suleymanov are published in the world-famous scientific research sharing portals,, Mendeley, Web of Science Thomson Reuters, Growkudos, ORCID and Scopus. The scientific research works of BEU Vice-Rector, an expert of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the World Economic Survey since 2015  were published in impact factor journals such as Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Economic Modelling, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Economies, Expert Journal of Economics, International Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Studies, Academic Journal of Economic Studies. The impact factor of some of these journals is close to 30, and this is one of the highest rates of impact factor journals published in the social sciences in Azerbaijan. At present, the number of references to Suleymanov's publications in Scopus-based journals is 112. The fact that the number of references in the Scopus database is more than a hundred, this is one of the highest in Azerbaijan in the social sciences and humanities. These indicators show the attention of the world scientific community to research related to our country.

In modern times, scientific research is one of the main indicators of university and national science. These indicators are also one of the most important components in the calculation of international university rankings.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of modern research in higher education as a positive effect of the Ministry of Education's cooperation with well-known science companies such as “Clarivate Analytics” and “Scopus”.

Azerbaijan is a leader in the South Caucasus in the number of scientific articles published in journals indexed in this system. The new goal is to publish these articles in more rated journals, along with the number of articles. A number of successful steps are being taken in this direction at BEU. Thus, the University staff is provided with a lot of training and support in order to develop scientific research that meets modern requirements. As a result, the number of publications in these databases of the university increases by 30-40% every year compared to the previous year. Moreover, along with the number of publications of BEU employees, their quality indicators are also increasing. In general, the number of publications and references of BEU staff on world-class research platforms is growing every year and contributes to the development of Azerbaijani science.

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