Representatives of STP Group of Companies meet with BEU students

11 May 2022
Representatives of STP Group of Companies meet with BEU students

Representatives of Sumgait Technology Park (STP) have met with students of Baku Engineering University (BMU) as part of the "Presentation Days."

The meeting, co-organized by BEU Engineering Faculty, Internship Department, and Department on work with entreprises and career, aimed to create greater experience and career opportunities for students and youth.

In his opening speech, Hazi Gasimov, Head of the Internship Department, noted the cooperation between BEU and STP since the establishment of the University. Emphasizing that the organization of students’ internship at STP, H.Gasimov added that on average, about 20 BEU students were involved in internship in this institution every year. At the end of his speech, the Head of the Department expressed his confidence that the cooperation between the company and the university would further expand.

Namig Naghiyev, Performance Management, Organizational Development and Reporting Division Manager of Human Resource Department of the company, delivered a presentation about STP Group of Companies. Emphasizing that the STP Group of Companies, launched with the participation of President Ilham Aliyev, maintained its leading position in the non-oil sector in our country, the department manager added that STP contributed to the development of hundreds of potential young people in the country's economy every year through the opportunities it created for production, experience and career development. 

Underlining that the main sectors of activity were oil and gas, agriculture, energy, engineering, construction, land reclamation and water management, telecommunications and IT, N.Naghiyev metioned that STP's products are presented in Russia, Turkey, Germany, Uzbekistan, Denmark, England, Egypt, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan under the "Made in Azerbaijan" brand.

Sholakhanim Mirzayeva and Turkan Aliyeva, employees of the Recruitment Department of the Human Resources Department at the STP Group of Companies, delivered a presentation on “How to write a CV and prepare for an interview.” 

In the speeches, the importance of points to be considered when preparing a CV was emphasized. Furthermore, it was stated that the interview üas a process organized to determine the suitability of a person's skills, experience and personal qualities for the relevant vacancy by the potential employer.  

At the end, a test on the general outlook on "How do we know our country" was held. After the announcement of the results, students who showing high results will be rewarded.


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