Report meeting of BEU Trade Union Committee

17 Feb 2023
Report meeting of BEU Trade Union Committee

The Trade Union Committee of Baku Engineering University (BEU) has held a report meeting dedicated to the results of the past year and future tasks.

At the meeting, Hazi Gasimov, chairman of BEU TUC, reported on the report for 2022. He drew attention to the work carried out in the direction of effective arrangement of the team's leisure time, participation in cultural and mass events, strengthening of social protection at the university.

Detailed information was also given on the status of implementation of the organization's income and expenditure estimates and budget forecasts for 2023 at the meeting.

After the presentation, the members of the Presidium of BEU Trade Union Committee, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, professor Hamzagha Orujov and Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Bayram Huseynzada took the floor. Appreciating the activities of the organization, the speakers pointed out that the principle of transparency is strictly followed in the events carried out by BEU Trade Union Committee, as well as they expressed their suggestions and opinions in the direction of the development of the institution.

Later, the budget of BEU TUC for 2023 was approved.

The meeting ended with discussions around the report and putting forward a number of proposals.   

Public Relations Department

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