Report-election meeting of BEU STUC held

05 Mar 2024
Report-election meeting of BEU STUC held

The report-election meeting of the Baku Engineering University Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) has been held.

At the meeting, the chairman of BEU STUC Laman Sharifova gave a report on the activities of the organization. In the report, such directions as the solution of various problems of the students, including the provision of one-time financial assistance, support for dormitory expenses, awarding of high-achieving students distinguished by their activity in the social and public life of the university, effective organization of students' free time, etc. were touched upon.

After the report was adopted by a majority vote, the new composition of the committee's management structures was determined. Laman Sharifova was re-elected chairman of the committee by voting.

Speaking later, Bayram Huseynzada, Vice-rector for social issues and public relations of BEU, said that the work done by STUC during the past period was satisfactory and effective. Reminding that the protection of students' rights is the basis of STUC's activity, the Vice-rector noted that the organization played the role of a bridge between the administration and students, and supports the development of university-student relations with positive dynamics. Furthermore, he emphasized that students were surrounded by humane care by the university in the example of STUC, and their various problems are treated with sensitivity.

Bayram Huseynzada mentioned that other student organizations operated in BEU along with STUC, and noted the importance of students' close participation and increasing their activity in various format projects implemented within the framework of these organizations. Moreover, highlighting the importance of always keeping in mind the rules of discipline and ethical behavior and talking about the individual responsibility of exemplary students in this matter, the Vice-rector conveyed the relevant recommendations of the university management to the students.

Speaking at the end, Laman Sharifova stressed that would justify the trust shown to her, and together with the new team, they would make efforts to organize the activities of STUC more efficiently.  

Public Relations Department


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