Rector Havar Mammadov met with students admitted to BEU-INHA Dual Degree Programll

12 Oct 2021
Rector Havar Mammadov met with students admitted to BEU-INHA Dual Degree Programll

Rector of Baku Engineering University (BEU), Professor Havar Mammadov met with students admitted to BEU-INHA Dual Degree Program in Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering in the 2021/2022 academic year

The Rector congratulated the first-year students and wished them success in their educational activities.

 Noting the state's care for education, Havar Mammadov spoke in detail about the work done in this direction. In his speech, the Rector stressed the importance of the "State Program on increasing the international competitiveness of higher education in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023" approved by the respective Order of President Ilham Aliyev, and the wide range of opportunities of dual degree programs for students.

Underlining that students would study 3 academic years at BEU and 1 academic year at INHA University of South Korea under the Dual Degree Program, the Rector added that INHA University was one of the most prestigious universities in South Korea in the fields of engineering, business administration, medicine. Emphasizing the high results of the students of the program, H.Mammadov presented the statistics to the participants.

In his speech, Rector Havar Mammadov gave general information about the history, international relations, educational system and material and technical base of BEU. Furthermore, by adding that English language teaching was predominant at BEU, the Rector highlighted that the BEU library, which met rich and modern standards and was based on international experience, operated on the basis of an online system. Speaking about the activities of BEU Student Trade Union and BEU Student Youth Organization, Havar Mammadov also touched upon the activities of student clubs at the University and called on students to take an active part in the social life of BEU.

The Rector pointed out that Baku Engineering University (BEU) carried out consistent measures to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism, to gain them high moral and spiritual qualities and to bring them up as individuals.

Havar Mammadov spoke about the historic Victory of Azerbaijan in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the constructive work in the liberated lands, as well as the work done to convey the Armenian savagery to the world community..

At the end of his speech, the Rector stated that first-year students should follow the rules of the pandemic.

In his speech, Humay Jafarli, Director General of BEU-INHA Dual Degree Program, thanked everyone who supported the implementation of the Dual Degree Program and stressed the work to be done under the program in the near future.

The event ended with answering students' questions.

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