Rector Havar Mammadov attends seminar organized by ICESCO

05 Oct 2021
Rector Havar Mammadov attends seminar organized by ICESCO

Rector of Baku Engineering University (BEU), Professor Havar Mammadov has attended ICESCO – Islamic World Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization workshop on “Fundamentals of instrumentatıon & reverse engineering”. 

Rector of Baku State University Elchin Babayev made an opening speech at the international event held at Baku State University.

Speaking at the international seminar, BEU Rector Havar Mammadov spoke about Azerbaijan's relations with ICESCO, and emphasized an exceptional contribution of President Ilham Aliyev to the sustainable development of existing relations. The rector noted the high appreciation of ICESCO for Azerbaijan and its culture, as well as the role of Azerbaijan in the Islamic world, and added that the organization declared Baku the capital of Islamic culture in 2009 and Nakhchivan in 2018.

Informing the seminar participants about Baku Engineering University, Professor Havar Mammadov said that BEU, a leading higher education institution, trained engineers at all levels of higher education, as well as conducted fundamental and applied research. In his speech, the rector also gave information about the dual bachelor's degree program between BEU and INHA University of South Korea in the departments of Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering.

Video greeting of Salim Al Malik, Director General of ICESCO, was presented at the event, and a video reflecting the organization's activities was shown.

Secretary General of Azerbaijan National Commission for ISESCO Vasif Eyvazzada,  Head of Science and Higher Education Department at The Ministry of Education Nijat Mammadli, ICESCO Representative, Event-science expert Foued Elayni, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University Mustafa Babanlı, Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University Vilayat Valiyev, Professor of Middle East Technical University Ahmet Oral, Engineer of the National University of Sciences and Technology of Pakistan Mohsin Tiwana spoke at the event. Moreover, a congratulatory letter of Rector Virtual University of Pakistan, Professor Arshad Saleem Bhatti was read at the opening ceremony. 

The event, which will take place on October 4-7, is organized by ICESCO, in cooperation with the National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for ICESCO and Baku State University.  

The purpose of the Workshop is to introduce to basic ideas employed in the instrumentation, use of various kinds of sensors, acquiring data and its processing. Workshop will comprise of combination of lectures and hands on training. It is designed in such a way that it will have lectures in one part and training in the second part.

It should be noted that along with students of other universities, students of BEU also participate in the trainings.

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