Rector Havar Mammadov attends event held as part of “Skills for Future” project

21 Oct 2022
Rector Havar Mammadov attends event held as part of “Skills for Future” project

Rector of Baku Engineering University (BEU), Professor Havar Mammadov has participated in the "72 Hours of a Mentor" Bootcamp event organized in Shamakhi within the framework of the "Skills for the Future" project.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the event, Ulvi Mehdiyev, Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Nijat Mammadli, Advisor to the Minister of Science and Education, Havar Mammadov, Rector of BEU, Zakir Ahmadov, Deputy Director of "Azerikard" LLC, and others expressed their opinion about importance of the project.

The trainings will be held in a number of topics, including “Innovation in the Digital World”, “Networking”, “Leadership Skills”, “Effective Team Management”, “Startup Pitching”, “Mentoring, Techniques and Mechanisms”, “Startup LifeCycle”, “Development of presentation skills”, “Strategies of financial attraction”, “Emotional intelligence” and “Idea competition - Innovative product development” at the 3-day event. 

The above-mentioned project, implemented by the "Innovations Center" of the the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, aims to increase the personnel potential in the field of innovation and support innovation activities in education. “Skills for the Future”, aiming to support students in the educational process to develop innovative ideas and direct them to the field of discovery and invention, consists of two components. Thus, the project includes a mentoring program for training teachers as mentors in universities and incubation programs for training students as startups with the participation of mentors. "72 hours of a mentor" was implemented for transition to "Mentoring specialization program", the next component of the project.

Public Relations Department

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