"The doors of world will be opened to students of BEU-INHA DDP"

09 Jun 2023
"The doors of world will be opened to students of BEU-INHA DDP"

Hamed Kagazchi, a teacher of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Departments of the full state scholarship dual degree program jointly implemented by Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University of the Republic of Korea noted, "Being students of BEU-INHA DDP, the doors of the world will open for you. We - the faculty and staff of the dual degree program invite applicants to become students of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering Departments."

H.Kagazchi emphasized that electrical engineering, which consists of many different directions, is one of the main areas in demand in the industry today: He stated, "Energy transmission, distribution, generators, transformers, as well as protection of this system - all belong to this specialty. All these subjects are taught by high-level and educated teachers in the dual diploma program."

He added that the field of electronics is one of the most in-demand fields today, and this specialty includes construction, design, repair of electrical circuits, electronic equipment, etc. refers: "At Baku Engineering University, the energy, electrical engineering, analog electronics, and digital electronics laboratories of these two specialties are equipped with high-level equipment. Our students studying these 2 majors will be able to use these laboratories for 3 years and master the topics they learn in theory more deeply."

H.Kagazсрı also commented on BEU-INHA DDP students continuing their studies in South Korea in the last year: "Students will have the opportunity to get to know South Korea's giant companies such as LG and Samsung for 1 year, and perhaps our educated students  will be provided with work by those companies."

Of note, under the joint dual degree program between BEU and Inha University, which has been implemented since 2020, bachelor's training in Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering, Information technologies and Civil engineering specialties continues in the new academic year. A total of 123 people (Information technologies-35 people, Civil engineering-25 people, Electrical engineering-28 people, Electronics engineering-35 people) are planned to be admitted to the undergraduate program in English for 4 years.


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