"Role of physical constants in creation of world. Universal models of real world in physics" seminar at BEU

05 May 2023
"Role of physical constants in creation of world. Universal models of real world in physics" seminar at BEU

Education Faculty of Baku Engineering University (BEU) has organized a seminar dedicated to the topic "The role of physical constants in the creation of the world. Universal models of the real world in physics". 

At the event, report of Razim Bayramli, the head of the Physics dDepartment of the above-mentioned faculty, associate professor, was listened to. Speaking about the universal models of the real world in physics, the speaker noted the revolutions that took place in science until the 90s of the 20th century and the biggest scientific discoveries of the last century.

In the seminar, the most interesting points about the natural-scientific landscapes of the world, the attributes of the universe and life were brought to the attention of the seminar participants, and the special importance of the quantities called "Planck scale" in the creation of the natural-scientific landscape of the modern world was emphasized.

In their speeches, other speakers mentioned the integrity and joint development of not only the universe and man, but also all natural, humanities, and social sciences.

At the event, there was a wide exchange of ideas and discussions on the topic, and questions related to the report were answered.

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