"Our carpets in ceramics" exhibition dedicated to 100th anniversary of National Leader at BEU

06 Oct 2023
"Our carpets in ceramics" exhibition dedicated to 100th anniversary of National Leader at BEU

Baku Engineering University (BEU) has held an individual creative exhibition "Our carpets in ceramics" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

The exhibition, which took place with the technical support of the "Nargis porcelain" art ceramics factory, featured more than 60 works of compositions created on ceramic materials by the teacher of the university, artist Gunel Huseynova, based on the ornaments of the world-famous national carpet schools of Azerbaijan.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Rector Yagub Piriyev emphasized the importance of continuous organization of such exhibitions. Noting that the field of design actually concentrates specializations in many directions along with ceramics and interior design, the Rector drew attention to the importance of admission to this field at BEU, as well as increasing the number of specializations.

 Wishing success to the work of the exhibition, Yagub Piriyev opened the "Khan gizi" ceramic vase, which is made on the basis of Karabakh motifs and is one of the main attributes of the exhibition.

Speaking at the event, the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of BEU, professor Sabir Orujov, the head of the Department of Design, associate professor Vagif Mammadov, the dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction Afar Alifov, the director of the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum Shirin Malikova, the employee of the Eastern Zangezur Regional Education Department Aygun Zulfugarli, well-known ceramic master Mirteymur Mammadov, Alikram Zakiyev, teacher of the Azerbaijan State Art Academy, actor Aslan Fatullayev, carpet artist Akbar Naghiyev and others shared their views on carpet weaving and ceramic arts and the synthesis of these two great fields at the exhibition.

Artist Gunel Huseynova expressed her opinion on the reflection of carpet making in ceramics, which is a part of our national culture, and expressed her gratitude to the management of BEU for the support given to her first exhibition, as well as to the guests.

The exhibition, which includes various compositions of Absheron, Guba, Karabakh, Ganja, Gazakh, Shirvan, and Tabriz carpet weaving schools, was met with great interest by the visitors.

Public Relations Department

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