"Open door" day as part of information events on BEU-INHA DDP

24 May 2023
"Open door" day as part of information events on BEU-INHA DDP

An "Open Door" day has been held regarding the Dual Degree Program (DDP) implemented between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University of the Republic of Korea at the undergraduate level in the direction of engineering specialties.

Along with the teacher-student staff of BEU-INHA DDP, parents and applicants took part in the event organized as part of informational events related to the program.

At the event, giving information about the "Open Door" day, the university's Vice-Rector for international relations Manafaddin Namazov spoke about the relevance of the program, its goals and objectives, the advantages of DDP, and the wide opportunities created for students.

Humay Jafarli, director of BEU-INHA DDP management department, made a broad presentation about the program. The presentation informated about the rules of admission to the program, scores for majors, financial costs, etc.

It was emphasized that a total of 400 people are expected to be admitted to the bachelor's program, which covers 4 admission years, majoring in information technology, civil engineering, electrical engineering and electronics engineering. Noting that the implementation of the third year of the program is already underway, H. Jafarli added that more than 270 students are currently studying at the DDP in the mentioned specialties, showing high results in the entrance exams.

BMU-INHA DDP project director Yang Hyunjin drew attention to the admission conditions of the program in his speech and said that according to the program based on the 3+1 model, students should study for 3 academic years at BEU, and 1 academic year - the last year at Inha University. He stated that this year, the III courses of the program will successfully complete their studies at BEU and will leave to continue their studies at Inha University. Informing the event participants in detail about education, work and living opportunities in Korea,Y.Hyunjin advised those interested in the program to improve their language skills.

At the meeting, Hamed Kagazçı, employee of BEU -INHA DDP management department Nurlane Abbasli, second-year students of DDP Murad Ibrahimov and Amani Sultanov spoke on behalf of the teachers engaged in teaching BEU-INHA DDP and expressed their opinions.

The "Open Door" day continued with answering questions.

At the end, the meeting participants got acquainted with the university.

Public Relations Department

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