"International Day" for foreign students studying at BEU

31 May 2023
"International Day" for foreign students studying at BEU

An event "International Day" has been held for foreign students studying at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The event, organized by the University's Department of International Relations and Project Management, was aimed at introducing the countries, national culture and traditions of foreign students studying at BEU and providing mutual information.

Narmin Alakbarova, the head of the above-mentioned department, spoke about the purpose of the mentioned event for the first time and noted that it is planned to continue such meetings in the future. She drew attention to the educational environment created at BEU, the international cooperation relations of the higher education institution, the implemented international programs and projects.

Speaking about the interest of foreign students in the higher education institution, N. Alakbarova added that currently foreign students from 27 countries are studying at BEU.

Later, Mehlika Arısoy, an employee of Akdeniz University Maritime-Port Management Department and Vocational School, who was on a visit to BEU within the framework of the "Erasmus+KA1" exchange program, made a presentation on "Education in Türkiye" and emphasized the exchange programs created for those studying in her country.

BEU-INHA DDP project director Yang Hyunjin stated the different aspects of the education system of Azerbaijan and Korea, especially the academic calendar, teachers and student contingent.

Afterwards, at the event, students gave detailed information cultural diversity, national-cultural values, etc. related to their countries and also made a presentation aimed at promoting national traditions.

The event ended with the presentation of national dishes by foreign students.


Public Relations Department

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