"Graduation Day" solemnly celebrated at Baku Engineering University

24 Jun 2023
"Graduation Day" solemnly celebrated at Baku Engineering University

"Graduation Day" has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU) for the academic year 2022/2023. The graduation ceremony, which was attended by academic staff, government officials, graduates, and their parents, started with the sounding of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Professor Havar Mammadov, the rector of the university, expressed his warmest congratulations to the graduates on the occasion of this significant day in his opening address.

The Rector spoke about the President Mr. Ilham Aliyev's great support, work, and never-ending services, as well as that of First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, in order to ensure that the young ones are closely and actively involved in the comprehensive development of our country, in the socio-economic, socio-political, and cultural life of the society, as well as to demonstrate high confidence in young personnel. Havar Mammadov emphasized that the field of science and education, which constitutes the priority direction of state policy and is the main engine of the country's overall development, is constantly in the spotlight, and he also stressed the current rapid and dynamic development in this field. Havar Mammadov continued by noting that the consistent reforms carried out and the successful implementation of several state programs make great contributions to socio-economic, scientific, and cultural progress by ensuring the training of highly qualified personnel.

Drawing attention to the work done at BEU for the training of professional personnel in accordance with the demands of the time, as well as the actions taken to further strengthen the material-technical base, improve, and modernize educational programs, Havar Mammadov stated that in the University, which is dominated by teaching in English, bachelor education in 37 specialties, master education in 19 specialties, and 33 specializations are conducted in 4 faculties and 21 departments.

The rector noted that in the academic year 2022/2023, 1494 students graduated from the higher education institution, of whom 1250 received bachelor's degrees and 244 received master's degrees. Also, 74 undergraduate-level students and 31 graduate-level students completed their degrees with honors diplomas. A dual diploma program in 4 specialties at the undergraduate level is being implemented between BEU and Inha University of the Republic of Korea, according to Havar Mammadov, who also noted that 86 foreign students from 26 different countries are enrolled at BEU. The program offers excellent opportunities for the training of highly qualified personnel, according to Mammadov.

Havar Mammadov concluded by conveying his best wishes and expressing his confidence that the new graduates will carry on this noble mission and continually enhance the reputation of the higher education institution, citing the proud good news and achievements of BEU graduates from the world's prestigious higher education institutions, the most advanced and leading companies.

Deputy Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of BEU Idris Isayev emphasized that this year's graduation was timed to coincide with a significant date, the 100th anniversary of the birth of our national leader Heydar Aliyev. He stated that some graduates will head to the scientific field, and the other part will join labor activities in various fields of the economy, and wished everyone success in their future endeavors.

Speaking about the successful results of the modern education strategy founded by the great leader Heydar Aliyev and highlighting the key aspects of the country's education policy, the deputy minister noted that quality education ranks 4th in 17 directions in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as knowledge, skill, and proficiency, rank first in education, which is considered to be the driving force behind the development of society around the world. Idris Isayev noted that one of Azerbaijan's 5 priority areas is specifically tied to education and the development of human capital, and he added that over 46,000 students graduated from the nation's higher educational institutions in the 2022–2023 academic year.

The deputy minister stated that all opportunities are being used by the state to increase the coverage of higher education institutions in our country and to ensure access to education. A significant increase in the number of students studying at the expense of the state is anticipated. While today approximately 53,000–54,000 undergraduate students are admitted, it is aimed to increase this number to 75,000 in 2026. The deputy minister added that according to the approved admission plan, if about 15,000 students were admitted at the expense of the state 4-5 years ago, today their number exceeds 33,000. Idris Isayev brought attention to the fact that every year 18,000 fee-paying students who belong to a particularly vulnerable group, are paid for their education at the expense of state funds, and around 20,000 students use educational student loan program.

Idris Isayev noted the educational programs that enable talented young people to study in prestigious foreign higher education institutions, asserting that Heydar Aliyev's policy of highly qualified personnel training abroad is being continued with great success under the leadership of President Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Stating that approximately 400 students at the bachelor-master level of higher education are sent abroad each year, the deputy minister said that attention is being paid to strengthening the personnel potential of higher education institutions in the country, while the dual diploma program between BEU and INHA University of Korea is being successfully implemented.

While congratulating the graduates, MP Aydin Huseynov remarked about the numerous chances created in the nation for the Azerbaijani young, ensuring their active engagement in a variety of spheres of the country. The deputy emphasized the importance of enhancing the nation's highly educated personnel potential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which took place in the background of global challenges and trends, and expressed confidence that BEU graduates as young engineers will also play a significant role in this process.

According to MP Nagif Hamzayev, the graduates, as citizens of the winning country that achieved a significant triumph, started the most exciting and responsible phase of their lives. The deputy emphasized the fact that graduates shouldn't limit themselves to a single higher education degree in light of the rapidly evolving challenges of the modern era and gave them advice on how to constantly advance their knowledge and skills as well as how to take advantage of the many opportunities the state has provided to do so. Nagif Hamzayev called on BEU graduates to work in the workplaces opened in the liberated territories, to join the process of reviving these holy lands as skilled, competent, and highly qualified personnel who keep up with the challenges of our time, emphasizing the great restoration and construction work carried out in Karabakh and East Zangezur.

Then BEU graduates who were participants in the war and family members of the martyrs were invited to the stage and given gifts.

After that, among the graduates of the 2022-2023 academic year, the winners of the specialty, faculty, and master's degree, as well as the university winner, were awarded. The awards were given to graduates by Rector Havar Mammadov, Deputy Minister Idris Isayev, MPs Aydin Huseynov, Nagif Hamzayev, first deputy head of Absheron District Executive Power Yusif Sadigov, and chairman of Absheron District Organization of the New Azerbaijan Party Abbas Aliyev.

Arzu Alkhanova, who graduated from the Physics Education of the Department of Pedagogy and was named the top student overall with 99.17 points in the 2022–2023 academic year, thanked the university's administration and professors and talked about her future aims.

The event continued with the traditional "convocation" ceremony of the graduates and the performance of well-known singers, as well as the artistic program prepared by the artistic collective of the university.

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