Professor of Inha University Jaehyun Park: "Summer School creates great opportunities for students"

09 Aug 2022
Professor of Inha University Jaehyun Park: "Summer School creates great opportunities for students"

Professor of Inha University of Korea Jaehyun Park, teacher of the Summer School organized at Baku Engineering University (BEU) as a continuation of the 2021/2022 academic year, noted, “Summer School creates wonderful opportunities for students.” 

The professor teaching the subject of "Digital Logic Circuits" in Information Technologies emphasized that the motivation of the participants of the Summer School was very high during the teaching period, and they enthusiastically applied the theoretical knowledge they learned in the lessons in practice. 

He touched upon, “I am very happy to work with such students.” 

It should be noted that the Summer School was organized within the framework of the international dual degree program implemented between BEU and Inha. During the 3-week study period, 9 professors and teachers of Inha University held classes for BEU students in Information technologies, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Electronics engineering.


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