Practical seminar on writing and managing Erasmus+ projects

30 Jan 2023
Practical seminar on writing and managing Erasmus+ projects

A practical seminar on writing and managing Erasmus+ projects has been held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education and Azerbaijani universities.

Narmin Alakbarova, senior specialist of the Department of International Relations and Project Management of Baku Engineering University (BEU) attended the event held at the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS).

BHOS Rector Elmar Gasimov, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Science and Education Tural Ahmadov, Head of the National Erasmus Office in Azerbaijan Parviz Baghirov noted the issues, including increasing international cooperation between higher education institutions, the importance of regularly organizing such meetings, etc. Moreover, the benefits of the seminar, which was held for the purpose of learning practical information on writing and managing Erasmus+ projects, for higher schools were highlighted.

At the seminar, the speeches about about writing and managing KA2 projects (ECAR and EQAC projects), writing the project budget were listened to.

The event continued with practical sessions.

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