“Our main goal is to train a new generation of specialists who meet the requirements of the XXI century”

07 Oct 2021
“Our main goal is to train a new generation of specialists who meet the requirements of the XXI century”

Jung Ho Kim: "BMU-INHA dual degree program can be expanded"

Baku Engineering University (BEU) and INHA University of South Korea have been implementing a dual degree program in engineering at the undergraduate level for the second year in a row. Representatives of INHA University visited BMU to discuss the work done within the program last academic year, as well as future issues. Jung Ho Kim, Dean of INHA University's Global Education Project Management Group, Seungwoo Han, Deputy Dean, and Kang Cheonghoon, Deputy Dean for International Admissions, answered questions about the program:


 -Mr. Jung Ho Kim, we would first like to know your views on the importance of the dual degree program.

The dual degree program is important for both Azerbaijan and Korea. Thus, the existence of differences between the Azerbaijani education system and the Korean education system and the contribution of the Korean education system to the Azerbaijani education system, as well as ensuring the education of Azerbaijani students in Korea is important for Azerbaijan. Speaking about the importance of the program from the Korean side, I would like to note that the interest in Azerbaijan in Korea has increased in recent years. It is important for us to study Azerbaijani culture, as well as to send Azerbaijani students to Korea in the future.

I would also like to emphasize that, unlike in America and Europe, the attitude of universities and teachers towards students in Korea is different. Thus, the curriculum (curriculum) changes every year in accordance with the society, that is, the curriculum is developed based on the requirements of society. Moreover, the attitude of each professor in Korea towards the student, the attitude of the teachers towards the students, the attitude of the Education Department towards the students, as well as the fact that everything is done through the system distinguish Korea from other countries.

- What is the main goal of the dual degree program implemented jointly with BEU?

The program aims to train a new generation of specialists meeting the requirements of the XXI century for Azerbaijan, taking advantage of advanced scientific achievements, innovative training technologies in 4 specialties - Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering. In addition, it is to promote Korean education in Azerbaijan, to apply the Korean system in Azerbaijan, as well as to increase understanding of both countries.

- Are there any plans to expand the program in the future?

- There are some talks with the expansion of the program, and we hope that this will happen in the future. In addition to expanding the program, students will have the opportunity to pursue their master's and doctoral studies in Korea in the future on a scholarshi.

- With which countries does INHA University currently implement such programs?

-Currently, INHA University is implementing 3 major projects in China. In addition, countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Vietnam and Thailand have such programs. Moreover, INHA University has an Uzbek branch, which was founded in 2014.

- What are the differences between the education systems of Azerbaijan and Korea?

I would like to note that at present in Azerbaijan, not student-oriented education, but professor-oriented education prevails. Thus, students do not participate in the process of teaching the subject and selecting teachers. I would like to emphasize that if such issues occur in Korea, the number of students admitted to the university will be less.

In Korea, unlike in Azerbaijan, it is a student-oriented education. Thus, all subjects to be taught to students from the first day of entering the university are presented to them in a selective form, and students choose certain subjects from them at will. At the same time, the student improves in the field of study and masters his specialty more deeply. Let me inform you that in Korea, from the first to the fourth year, it is almost an elective subject. We think that better results can be achieved in the future if there are some changes in the education system of Azerbaijan and it becomes a more targeted education system for students. 

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that professors and teachers in Korea discuss these issues with each student in order to solve certain problems related to his future. I recommend Azerbaijani students to use this feature of Korean professors.

- You already have close contacts with our country. In this regard, we would like to know your impressions of Azerbaijan.

- In Azerbaijan, we felt the warmth, hospitality, kindness, no borders with foreigners, which we did not feel when traveling in European countries. Azerbaijan and Korea are very close in terms of cultural and human ties.

 -Mr. Seungwoo Han and Mr. Kang Cheonghoon, we would like to address our next question to both of you. Taking into account your contacts with Azerbaijani students for two years, it will be interesting to know your opinion about the students.  

Seungwoo Han: uring the summer, I taught the subject of "Creative Thinking and Problem Solving" in Civil Engineering in accordance with the curriculum approved under the contract signed under the dual degree program. To be honest, in Korea, students have more questions during class. There are even so many questions that we professors do extensive research in the library to answer every question students ask. Azerbaijani students are relatively calm. Perhaps this issue was related to the online teaching. I believe that we will achieve better results in the traditional lessons.

Kang Cheonghoon: My first impression of the students is very good. We work in many countries, but Azerbaijani students are easy to listen to, know their place, kind, and simple in the best sense of the word. I noticed this during the admission process, and it was one of my favorite moments. I think the students were reluctant to ask questions because the classes were online and there were foreign teachers. But in the end, we created a group via Whatsapp, and the students were very active there. I believe that students will be more active during traditional teaching.

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