Next "Open Door" day on BEU-INHA dual degree program

24 Jul 2023
Next "Open Door" day on BEU-INHA dual degree program

The next "Open Door" day has been held within the framework of the dual diploma program (DDP) implemented between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University of the Republic of Korea in the field of engineering majors at the bachelor's level.

Humay Jafarli, director general of BEU-INHA DDP management department, made a broad presentation about the program at the event attended by applicants and parents. H. Jafarli spoke about the goals and objectives, advantages, and wide opportunities created for students of the dual diploma program implemented within the framework of the "State Program for Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023".

BEU-INHA DDP project director Yang Hyunjin drew attention to the admission conditions and noted that according to the program based on the 3+1 model, students should study for 3 academic years at BEU, and 1 academic year - the last year at Inha University. He described the educational environment in Korea, including the directions of activities of Inha University, the composition of the teaching staff and the scientific and research work they carry out in addition to teaching, the high conditions organized for those who study here, the opportunities created for students, the career opportunities of graduates, et.

Nurlane Abasli, a specialist in work with students of BEU-INHA DDP, said that the admission of students for the 2023/2024 academic year has already been started within the framework of the dual diploma program. Emphasizing that the online application process will continue until August 9, the expert discussed the planned admission quota for majors, admission conditions, application procedure, scores for majors, financial costs, etc. gave detailed information about it.

It was noted at the event that 400 people are expected to be admitted to the bachelor's program in Information technologies, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Electronics engineering majors during the contract period. For the 2023/2024 academic year, a total of 123 people are planned to be admitted, including 35 people in the Information Technology major, 25 in the Civil Engineering major, 28 in the Electrical Engineering major, and 35 in the Electronics Engineering major.

At the meeting, Subahan Abdullayev, a third-year student of the Electronics Engineering major of BEU-INHA DDP, and Mahmud Samadzade, a third-year student of the Information Technologies major, also spoke and shared their impressions about the program.

The "Open Door" day ended with answering the questions of the meeting participants.


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