New Financial Engineering specialization at BEU

03 Jul 2023
New Financial Engineering specialization at BEU

Financial engineering is one of the new specializations included in the admission plan for the MBA (Business Administration) program of Baku Engineering University (BEU) for the academic year 2023/2024.

Financial engineering is a financial subsector that incorporates mathematical techniques in the process of solving financial problems. During the process, economic, statistical, mathematical knowledge, as well as informatics tools are used. That is why this field of finance is sometimes called quantitative analysis. Financial engineering is applied not only to solving existing financial problems, but also when working on innovative financial products.

Basic staff training in this field, as well as the teaching of new specialization, will be carried out in the Department of Finance and Accounting of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Graduates of this specialization will gain many knowledge and skills. A financial engineer who acquires knowledge of models and methods in the field of finance will be able to apply them in solving practical problems and create probabilistic and statistical models for the quantitative analysis of random events in the financial industry. Being able to make preliminary price estimates by building models related to securities is also among the competencies that graduates who prefer this specialization will acquire. MBA graduates will also have mastered the skills of conducting research and practical work in the field, linking theory and practice and improving their communication skills.

It should be noted that 7 new specializations have been added to the MBA program of BMU. This includes specializations such as Agribusiness, International trade, Electronic management, Public relations, Financial engineering, Supply chain management, Engineering project management (

In total, 160 places in 13 specializations are planned in the next academic year. According to the program, 140 places are reserved for Azerbaijan and 20 places for the English section.

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