New faculty on information technologies established at BEU

13 Sep 2024
New faculty on information technologies established at BEU

Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies has been established at Baku Engineering University (BEU). The decision on this was made at the meeting of the Scientific Council of the university.

The establishment of a new faculty at BEU is one of the important steps taken towards the implementation of the tasks of training highly qualified specialists who have the ability to work with innovative technologies and respond to the challenges of the new industrial revolution set by President Ilham Aliyev.

It is important to emphasize that in recent years, the works carried out for the teaching of information technology specialties in accordance with the requirements of the modern era have been successfully continued at BEU, and the material and technical base of computer laboratories has been strengthened. As a continuation of these works, the first Cyber ​​Security laboratory was established at BEU this year with the support of BP company. The laboratory is equipped with modern, innovative information and communication technology equipment and software.

Moreover, according to the results of admissions in recent years, interest in specializations in the field of information technologies at BEU is increasing. In addition to the full filling of the planned places, students with high results prefer these specialties. In this year's admission, among the majors chosen by applicants who scored high marks, mainly information technology, information security, computer engineering, computer science and other majors were included.

The Faculty of Information and Computer Technologies, which includes the specialties of information technology, information security, computer engineering, and computer science, was created taking into account the need to turn information technology specialties into the main base direction of higher education.

Teaching at the faculty will be conducted in Azerbaijani and English languages. Classes in the faculty consisting of 3 departments (Information technologies and programming, Cybersecurity and computer engineering, Mathematics and computer science) will be taught by highly experienced teachers, including doctors of science, doctors of philosophy, professors and associate professors. More than 1,100 students will study at the faculty from this year on 4 bachelor's degrees and 2 master's degrees.

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