Meeting with world-famous Azerbaijani scientist held at BEU

06 Oct 2023
Meeting with world-famous Azerbaijani scientist held at BEU

In order to participate in the 74th International Astronautical Congress held in Baku, a well-known Azerbaijani scientist in the field of mechanics and aerospace engineering, professor of Istanbul Commerce University Abdulla Sofiyev (Avey) has met with the faculty and students of Baku Engineering University (BEU).

Introducing the guest, BEU Rector Yagub Piriyev talked about the long-term scientific cooperation and friendship with Professor Abdulla Sofiyev. The Rector noted that the scientist, who has made a great contribution to the promotion of Azerbaijani science in the world, was included in the list of the world's most influential scientists as a result of the research conducted by Stanford University, as well as he was included in the Best Scientists rating list compiled by the academic platform Yagub Piriyev added that more than 300 fundamental scientific articles of Abdulla Sofiyev have been published in prestigious journals, the number of articles and publications on platforms such as "Scopus", "Web of Science" is more than 150, and the H-Index, which is an almetric indicator of scientific productivity, is 43. took into account other contributions and achievements of the professor to the field of science.

Later, Abdulla Sofiyev shared the information about the beginning of the path leading him to great science with the participants of the event. Emphasizing that the most productive period of his scientific activity coincided with the years 2002-2014, the scientist pointed out that during this period his scientific articles were published in the world's most prestigious journals, he was awarded numerous prizes for the results of his scientific research, etc. Speaking about his current activity, the professor shared his views on continuing fundamental research, the role of this research within the opportunities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the impact of the said technological revolution on the global economy.

Touching upon the Glorious Victory achieved by the Azerbaijan Army in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, our compatriot said that during this period that he temporarily stopped his activities, revealed his position as a scientist, and published articles in the local and foreign press.

Delivering a speech on the topic of "Functional grade materials" (FGM), Abdulla Sofiyev gave extensive information about researches on mechanical thermal behavior of FGM, results related to obtaining new nanocomposites, etc.

The scientist ended his speech by gratefully remembering his parents and teachers, who were of great help in reaching his current position.

 Thanking the guest on behalf of the collective for the interesting presentation and the report based on rich scientific research, Yagub Piriyev spoke about the great value given to the field of science and those working in this field in our country. Moreover, the Rector drew attention to the goals and measures aimed at further strengthening the scientific-research activity at BEU.

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