Meeting with the veterans in the frame of the project “The heroes of 44 days” at BEU

13 Oct 2021
Meeting with the veterans in the frame of the project “The heroes of 44 days” at BEU

A meeting with the veterans in the frame of the project “The heroes of 44 days” has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU).

The event was implemented with the organization of Youth Foundation of the Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union (ASYOU), “The Great Return” Youth Organization and with the partnership of BEU.

The event started with the National Anthem of the Azerbaijan Republic and the dear memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was remembered with one-minute silence.

Professor Havar Mammadov, BEU rector who made the opening speech said that 44-day military operations lasted from September 27 till November 10, 2020 were engraved in the Azerbaijan history forever as a Patriotic War. The rector who stressed that Azerbaijani Army who restored the territorial integrity, historical justice and international law under the leadership of the victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev in 44 days underlined that it was the national solidarity, professional leadership, effective military strategy and the power of our Army that made the enemy sign the capitulation act.

Havar Mammadov mentioned that military servicemen who demonstrated bravery and courage, and who successfully completed fight orders in the military operations during the liberation of the lands of Azerbaijan from occupation were awarded with the honourary name “Patriotic War Hero”, various orders and medals with the concerning decrees of the Prezident Ilham Aliyev. The rector emphasized that these awards confirmed the President’s high value of the military servicemen who participated in the Patriotic War, as well as having great importance in terms of increasing the spirit of military patriotism.

 Havar Mammadov who noted that Azerbaijani people and Azerbaijani government had always highly appreciated the heroism of its bellicose men and women, had respected the spirits of the martyrs, and had held their memories high also indicated that the soldiers and the officers who created matchless samples of heroism on the territorial integrity of our country were showed high attention and care by the state.

In these days of the next anniversary of our 44-day Victory history, Havar Mammadov also reminded of the war crimes committed by the enemy that couldn’t stand the victory of the Azerbaijan Army targeting innocent civil people in order to shake the will of our people during the war.

The rector who spoke of the necessity to bring the youth up in a patriotic spirit advised them to be dedicated to the Motherland forever.

Havar Mammadov who touched upon the great-scale reconstruction work led in the liberated areas ended his speech thanking the veterans who took part in the event and expressed his best wishes to them.

Parviz Miralamli, the chair of ASYOU mentioned that Azerbaijani people was united around the victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev as an iron fist, and our army destroyed the enemy and made history with its Victory.

Then a video reflecting the fragments of the 44-day Patriotic war were presented.

Afterwards our veterans - Vusal Nasirov, Ruslan Rahimov, Vugar Mammadov and Movsum Iskandarov took the floor. They talked about their battle memories in detail and shared their impressions related to the war with the attenders of the event.

At the end Shafigakhanim Najafova, deputy chair on the faculty of Pedagogy of BEU Student Youth Organization (SYO) and Laman Sharifova, the chair of BEU SYO made their speeches. In the speeches demonstrating national solidarity and destroying the enemy of soldiers and officers who showed their courage in the war on territoral integrity and sovereignty of country, the youth who actively participated in the information war, the civil people who worked in the rear and the citizens were stated.

At the end of the event the veterans answered the questions that interested students.

Public Relations Department

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