Meeting with a group of BEU students held at Absheron Logistics Center

11 May 2023
Meeting with a group of BEU students held at Absheron Logistics Center

A meeting was held at the Absheron Logistics Center with a group of students of the Faculty of Engineering of Baku Engineering University (BEU) majoring in Logistics and Transport Technologies.

The meeting was attended by Huseyn Mirzayev, the dean of the Faculty of Engineering of BEU, Bakhtiyar Namazov, the head of the Department of Logistics and Transport Technologies, Nijat Karimov, the associate professor of the Department, Ziya Agayev, the chairman of the Board of Absheron Logistics Center, Afgan Mammadov, the deputy chairman of the Board, and Irada Mikayilova, the head of the Human Resources Department of the Center.

Z. Agayev informed the participants of the meeting about the requirements of modern logistics, development directions, supply chain management programs, warehouse logistics and its automatic control systems.

 Interesting in students' views on logistics, areas of interest, participation in internship programs, success in the educational process and other issues, the head of the center noted that they would be provided with the necessary assistance in acquiring practical knowledge in the field of logistics, and special attention would be paid to BEU internship programs.

At the meeting, issues of increasing students' activity in recruitment contests were also emphasized.

Dean H. Mirzayev and head of the Department B. Namazov also expressed their gratitude for the support provided by the students in the matter of the organization of industrial experience programs, seminars, and employment of graduates, in accordance with the cooperation agreement concluded between the Center and BEU.

The meeting also discussed the establishment of the Absheron Logistics Center's Logistics Laboratory at BEU. 

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