Meeting of Steering Committee on BEU-INHA DDP held

02 May 2023
Meeting of Steering Committee on BEU-INHA DDP held

The next meeting of the Steering Committee has been held within the framework of the Dual Degree Program (DDP) implemented between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University of the Republic of Korea.

A number of issues, including the financial report of 2022, the academic results of the autumn semester for the current academic year, were discussed at the meeting with the participation of the delegation of Inha University, who are on a visit to Azerbaijan, members of the Steering Committee, representatives of the State Program Management Group and the administrative staff of BEU-INHA DDP. Student admission for the 2023/2024 academic year was discussed. Moreover, issues  such as action plan for the 2023 calendar year, changes in the members of the Inha Steering Committee, the criteria required to study at the Inha next year, new criteria for exclusion from the IDP, and etc were also included in the agenda.

Opening the meeting, the Rector of BEU, Professor Havar Mammadov noted the importance of the "State Program on Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Higher Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023" approved by the relevant Order of President Ilham Aliyev, and the support given at the state level for the implementation of BEU-INHA DDP in the past periodRecalling the meeting of the Steering Committee held at Inha University of Korea and drawing attention to the results of the issues discussed there, the Rector also emphasized that the quality of teaching in the program differed, and the best English-speaking teachers were selected for the curriculum. Havar Mammadov added that among the first students admitted to the program, those who met all the requirements and conditions of the Dual Degree Program would continue their studies in Inha University from next year.

Later, Humay Jafarli, director of BEU-INHA DDP Management Department, gave a broad presentation on the directions included in the agenda. In the presentation, the state of implementation of the DDP, including the results on Information technologies, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering and Electronics engineering Deparments were analyzed covering all academic years, as well as a number of new proposals were voiced in the direction of the implementation of the program.

Nijat Mammadli, Advisor to the Minister of Science and Education, Jeyhun Karamov, Deputy Director and Acting Director of the State Agency on Vocational Education under the Ministry of Science and Education, Keeyoung Choi, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Inha, Yang Hyunjin, Project Director of BEU-INHA DDP, Turan Topalova, Head of the State Program Management Group, Jang-Cheon Cho, Dean for Academic Affairs of Inha, Sungyeon Baeck, Dean of Planning and Budget Department of Inha, and others expressed their opinions.

At the meeting, Kyungjin Min, the newly elected member of the Steering Committee, the dean of the "Global Education Project" group of Inha, was introduced to the participants.

At the meeting, relevant decisions were made after the exchange of ideas and comprehensive discussions on the issues included in the agenda.

Of note, the meetings of the Steering Committee are held twice a year, once every semester, and the previous meeting was held at Inha University.

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